Plants belong to the category of perishable goods, so to prepare for transportation, you need to follow certain rules. You can also hire special companies to deliver your plants. However, the rules for moving plants are quite simple.
Get your plants ready to move
An important place in them is occupied by preparatory work. Before working on moving you need to take care of the following stages:
- One or two days before moving, it is desirable to stop watering the plants. This is necessary in order to protect the root system of plants from damage. Wet soil might cause damage to the roots during transportation or careless transfer.
- It is also necessary to take care in advance about the containers for transportation and the material in which you can wrap the pots or fill the space of the container. For packaging, you can choose rather deep cardboard or plastic box. You can use the same cardboard, crumpled newspapers, foam or any unnecessary soft cloth to fill the gaps in the boxes. You also need to prepare thick paper or textiles to prevent the earth from scattering by closing it.
How to pack plants for moving
Before you start packing plants, you need to decide which plants you’ll take with you. Some plants can’t be transported due to size, and some won’t survive transportation due to delays. Plants that you choose not to take can be offered to your acquaintances or donated to various organizations. Those plants that you take must be securely packed before transportation.
First, divide all the houseplants that you are going to take, by size. Pots with flowers of small size need to be wrapped in packing material and placed on 2-3 pieces in boxes (depending on the sizes of boxes). Fill the space between them with sealant.
In order to ensure access of oxygen to the plants, make small holes on the sides of the boxes, and seal the top with scotch tape. If the flowers have medium or tall stems, then they should be tied to pegs, pre-wrapping the branched part in the paper. Especially large houseplants don’t need to be packed in cardboard boxes. You can safely transport them without any packaging. You can use plastic bags by securing the top with rope or tape.
Some countries have certain restrictions on transportation, so you need to know the conditions in advance. Also, for the passage of plants abroad, it is often required to rid them of pests. For this purpose, there are special collars in which it is necessary to place plants in advance.
Services that help you with moving your plants
So, your greenhouse room is prepared, packed and ready to move into a new home. And the most important moment comes – transportation. Plants can be transported both independently and with the help of certain services. Namely :
- You can pre-order a van for this purpose. This is quite practical, as such vans are well technically equipped. They have seat belts and a special system for loading them as well as climate control. And in addition, there are often loading services. Therefore, this is a very convenient option.
- You can send it by mail. This is also a good option. Some companies at risk may deliver your plants, however, with restrictions or special instructions. During the packing before departure, it is necessary to provide special measures for the protection of cargo. Choose fast delivery and pack the plant according to weather conditions. You can even use a portable refrigerator in a tray with a filling material to fix the plant and to ensure moisture to be absorbed, use special water-soaked sponges.
- You can take your plants with you on a ship or plane. You can take houseplants with you on the plane. However, in order to transport plants in this way, it is necessary to read and follow the rules of the TSA. It is necessary to control the soil moisture of plants and not to exceed the allowable size of luggage. Airlines often have special conditions, so it is necessary to get acquainted with them in advance.
Move the plants on your own
But in case of lack of such opportunities, or have an irresistible desire to transport plants alone, you need to follow these recommendations for self-transportation of flowers:
- Load the plants into the car at the earliest attention.
- Try to fix flowerpots and boxes with flowers as strongly and reliably as possible.
- Do not place high or heavy loads on or near plants that could fall on the plants and thereby damage them.
- Prefer safety over speed and always turn gently when moving plants. If you have a far, long way we recommend sometimes make stops and open the boxes so that fresh air can reach your plants. By doing this your plants are much more likely to survive the move.
If you follow all the recommendations, you can quickly get back on the road without worrying about preserving vegetation.
Moving large plants
To transport large plants, you will need to put a material on top of the soil that will prevent the soil from scattering while you move. Pots must be packed in packing material. It is also necessary to wrap the plants in special bags or materials.
When moving large plants, it is good to fix them, in addition, special attention should be paid to the upper part, as it has a predominant mass and volume. To do this, you will need ropes and twine.
Moving Small Plants
To transport small plants, you need to secure them safely when packing. You should also choose a box for packing the appropriate size, if you can put several pots in one box, but the height of the box should not significantly exceed that required for plants. This will help avoid overturning the pots.
The pots themselves should be wrapped in packing material, and the prepared pots should be packed tightly to each other. Free space also needs to be filled. It will not be superfluous to leave the box open for access to oxygen, but if this is not possible, you should make large enough holes for fresh air. This load is very fragile, so it should be transported in the front seat or put at the top of the trunk while locking the box. If you are transporting hanging plants, the most appropriate option for their transportation would be to simply hang them in the front seat.
Arriving at your new home
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Upon the arrival of the plants in the new home, they should be unloaded, unpacked, and watered with warm water as soon as possible. It is also necessary to carefully remove damaged leaves or stems. After all these manipulations, you can safely choose new places for the organization of the greenhouse and flower arrangement. For potted plants, we recommend choosing a place as similar as possible to the place in the past housing in terms of lighting and microclimate. Then your flowers will adapt faster.
If we are talking about seedlings, then before planting they should be placed in a cool and not sunny place, also adding enough water. When planting seedlings, you must first dig a hole of the required depth, sufficiently moisten the soil, place the root of the seedling and fill the hole to half and repeat the watering and then fill the soil to the top and water one last time.
Although all this will take a lot of your time, you will carry all your precious flowers to your new home, where they will delight you and your family with their beauty. We hope you found this article clear and helpful.